10 Oct 2018

Celebrating Our Reading

We are always looking for ways to celebrate our students' reading. Reading is must be personal and social at the same time. We know that readers are successful when they are supported by a reading community.

Congratulations to all of our students who completed the "Reading Makes You Feel Good" Summer Reading Challenge. Around 100 students from K1 through Grade 6 completed the challenge by reading a recording a variety of books over the summer. Mr. Advento, Ms. Jones and Ms. Pollock visited classrooms to present certificates to these readers. 

Students kept track of their reading in so many creative ways! Some made lists, some drew pictures, some took photographs, some made charts. The goal was to read what makes us feel good and keep a log in a unique, personal way. Here are just a few examples of how students personalized their reading journeys:

Once again, we appreciated our students' enthusiasm around summer reading. If you have ideas or suggestions about future reading challenges, let us know! 

As we move into the school year, some of our students are using Biblionasium to keep track of the books they read and books they want to read in the future.

Our students in Grades 4 and 5 are connected and building a digital reading community in Biblionasium. In their class groups, they can make recommendations to friends, write reviews and view their classmates reading lists. 

Biblionasium now syncs with Destiny Discover to provide students with a seamless experience managing their library accounts, building books shelves and setting reading goals.

Learn more about Biblionasium in this short video:

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